Community Link went to the streets of Nelson Mandela Bay to find out exactly what the people have to say about these upcoming municipal elections. We all know that it is very important to register to vote in order to have a say in what goes on in your community and municipal elections are the most important elections in the country. “Local Government elections are the closest elections to the people. It’s where the communities can get services”, says ANC Councillor Cedric Pieterson from Algoa Park. He continues to say that local is where things must take place and people must participate. “You are part of a decision to pave the way in order for you to get services. We must address imbalances of the past on a local basis and this will give us an opportunity to have a say in what needs to be done in our own communities”, Pieterson said. He has emphasized how vital it is to participate in these upcoming elections and to vote for the suitable party of your choice that will make a change in your life.
The old people who have contributed so much to South African history also seem to have been forgotten. Shun Pillay, a member of the ANC and businessman is not satisfied with the outcomes of his party. “I didn’t vote in the last municipal elections because I feel bitter. We as a family have worked with the ANC from day one but it saddens me to see them going into this trend of self-enrichment”, said Pillay. He asked when change is going to be done for the poor. He advised the community to teach a man to fish and that way you can feed him for a lifetime.
Other views are contrary to the above because some people of this community are satisfied with what the government has done for them so far. Yes, there are always flaws in leadership but others are able to see through those flaws and appreciate the good that has been done. Clenise Alliese, a cashier from Boysen Park expressed how happy she was with the government’s work. “I think whichever the best party is must win these upcoming elections. So far I am satisfied with government because they are going out of their way to help the people in my area”, she said.
A furious New Brighton resident, Mandisa Nontileka has not been impressed with what the government in her area is doing now that municipal elections are coming. “I doubt that I am going to vote. My reason is that I am not confident in the coucillor that will be put in place, therefore I will keep my vote”, she said. Although she won’t be voting she said that she will be happy if the ANC wins because she is still a member of the ANC.
“Our leaders should truly emulate Nelson Mandela who gave all his life for us”, says Zelda Whitebooi, a businesswoman from Uitenhage. She continued to say that leaders these days are salary-minded and are not there to serve their communities. The views expressed above by the community are very interesting; reason being that each community member speaks from their own experience when it comes to municipal elections. It is clear that our government still has a lot of work that needs to be done but it is up to the people to vote during next month’s municipal elections in order for their voices to be heard and have the power to change this country.
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